The kahili, a traditional Hawaiian feather standard, was used to signal that a person of importance (ali’i or royalty) was either coming or present, or to signify a special place. The “Kahili Crew,” led by Kawika Lum-Nelmida, have worked together for over 10 years building kahilis for significant historical figures and places around Hawaii including Queen Lili'uokalani and King Kalakaua’s bedrooms at ‘Iolani Palace.
The two feather kahilis pictured were designed and constructed for his master thesis exhibition at Emily Carr University. Because they could not be shipped to Canada, where Emily Carr is located, they were disassembled and reassembled on arrival. Before they were taken apart, the kahili were situated at the entrance of the MAMo Wearable Show’s runway, where Kawika along with two other Hawaiian artists, Marques Hanalei Marzan and Malie Andrade, showed their work together.