Marques Hanalei Marzan, Fabric Artist
A trio of Hawaiian artists - Kawika Lum-Nelmida, Marques Hanalei Marzan, and Malie Andrade - showed their work together at the 2024 MAMo Wearable Art Show. Fabric artist Marques Hanalei Marzan showed seven pieces made from copper, stainless steel, silk worm casing, coconut rope, cotton cord, and more.
Kawika Lum-Nelmida, Feather Artist
Kawika Lum-Nelmida presented four pieces, including a magnificent feather cloak that he meticulously worked on each day from January through May. This stunning cloak served as the closing piece for the trio’s presentation.
The kahili, a traditional Hawaiian feather standard, was used to signal that a person of importance (ali’i or royalty) was either coming or present, or to signify a special place. The “Kahili Crew” have worked together for over 10 years building kahili’s for significant historical figures and places around Hawaii.

Part of Bishop Museum's Living Culture series, Kawika taught students the art of creating Lei Humupapa in a three-part workshop.